El dimarts, 13 de mar=E7 de 2018, a les 8:24:16 CET, Matthieu Gallien va=20 escriure: > Hello, >=20 > I have created and pushed a 0.1 branch from which we will release the 0.1 > version of Elisa. >=20 > The expected release schedule is the following: > * current 0.1 branch is frozen for new features and should only get fixes= ; > * a string freeze will start on 24th March ; > * tagging of 0.1 is expected on 7th April ; > * we expect to make 2 bug fixs release 1 and three weeks after the releas= e. >=20 > Could you please create a stable branch for the translations of the 0.1 > branch ? >=20 > Thanks a lot for the invaluable help of the i18n and doc community. Done. Cheers, Albert >=20 > Best regards >=20 > -- > Matthieu Gallien in the behalf of the Elisa team