Hi, you may have noticed that a bunch of catalog files from kdeplasma-addons by last night no longer is created, both for stable & trunk. That is because there was a big set of not-yet-ported-to-qt5 applets & other plugins still around in the branches, and while disabled from the buildsystem, scripty still found the Messages.sh files in those folders as before and passed you those catalogs. (And then also the release scripts picked up those unused catalogs and added them to the created source tarballs). As of yesterday though all such unported code has now been wiped from both Plasma/5.12 and master branches. Including the respective Messages.sh files. So those catalogs should now dissappear also from your eyes. Sorry for not having seen that and done earlier, Hopefully you have not spent that much work on those catalogs. Question: For any future similar situations (one day there will be Qt6 :) ), what would be a good way on the code side to handle catalogs of yet-to-be-ported code, where there is a good chance that the code will be ported and thus the existing translation catalogs work useful to be kept for now, but without yet doing further work on them? Is there some way to flag catalogs as "keep-but- better-do-not-work-on-yet"? For your reference, this should be the catalogs gone now: plasma_applet_bookmarks.pot plasma_applet_bubblemon.pot plasma_applet_CharSelectApplet.pot plasma_applet_fileWatcher.pot plasma_applet_frame.pot plasma_applet_incomingmsg.pot plasma_applet_knowledgebase.pot konqprofiles.pot plasma_applet_leavenote.pot plasma_applet_life.pot plasma_applet_magnifique.pot plasma_applet_mediaplayer.pot plasma_applet_microblog.pot plasma_applet_news.pot plasma_applet_plasmaboard.pot plasma_applet_previewer.pot plasma_applet_qalculate.pot plasma_applet_rssnow.pot plasma_applet_spellcheck.pot plasma_applet_unitconverter.pot plasma_applet_weatherstation.pot plasma_applet_webslice.pot plasma_engine_konqprofiles.pot plasma_runner_browserhistory.pot plasma_runner_events.pot plasma_runner_konquerorsessions.pot plasma_runner_kopete.pot plasma_runner_translator.pot plasma_runner_youtube.pot libplasma_groupingcontainment.pot plasma_applet_groupingpanel.pot Cheers Friedrich