The list of git repos that got the Plasma 5.11 branch is: bluedevil breeze breeze-grub breeze-gtk breeze-plymouth discover drkonqi kactivitymanagerd kde-cli-tools kdecoration kde-gtk-config kdeplasma-addons kgamma5 khotkeys kinfocenter kmenuedit kscreen kscreenlocker ksshaskpass ksysguard kwallet-pam kwayland-integration kwin kwrited libkscreen libksysguard milou oxygen plasma-desktop plasma-integration plasma-nm plasma-pa plasma-sdk plasma-tests plasma-vault plasma-workspace plasma-workspace-wallpapers plymouth-kcm polkit-kde-agent-1 powerdevil sddm-kcm systemsettings user-manager xdg-desktop-portal-kde which adds plasma-vault and drkonqi compared to Plasma 5.10 Jonathan On 14 September 2017 at 11:20, Jonathan Riddell wrote: > Plasma 5.11 is now branched, please update the translations to use > Plasma/5.11 as stable > > Release is in three weeks, go forth and translate! > > Jonathan