El dimarts, 14 de juny de 2016, a les 22:01:35 CEST, Alexander Potashev va escriure: > Hi, > > Scott and I, we've briefly discussed on IRC the approaches of > translating website that he could use for krita.org. We are not sure > if the i18n system used for kde.org, edu.kde.org and okular.kde.org > fits the needs of krita.org, but I think we should at least try not to > reinvent the wheel. > > Thus, I would like to ask where can Scott start (wiki pages, scripts > in SVN/Git?) to get the idea of the existing system for *.kde.org? https://community.kde.org/KDE.org/Capacity_HOWTO#i18n_-_Translate_interface_to_other_languages For how kde.org, edu.k.o and okular.k.o work. Then scripty just extracts the .po files and merges back to the repos. Cheers, Albert