Thank you guys.

Dne pá 27. 11. 2015 21:23 uživatel Karl Ove Hufthammer <> napsal:
Den 27. nov. 2015 20:48, Vít Pelčák skreiv:
> Hello.
> I'm using Lokalize for some specific translation (sorry for KDE
> undelated question, I hope you don't mind).
> Problem is, that Lokalize breaks longer lines. However I need them
> unbroken. I was not able to find a settings to make Lkalize to not to
> brak those lines.
> Is there some tool with which I would be able to remove those breaks?

You can use the porewrap tool, part of the Pology translation tool

You use it like this:

   porewrap --no-wrap --no-fine-wrap file(s).po

Karl Ove Hufthammer