2015-02-27 15:58 GMT+03:00 Helmy : > Hello, > i have been looking before writing one if there was a tool out there that > would automatically translate user text keys in Dolphin service menus or > .desktop files in general to other languages using something like google > translate API or preferably a good offline translation, to help anyone > writing a new service menu to offer multiple translations effortlessly > especially when there are a lot of menu items > > i have searched for a while and couldn't find any > in the case if there was none i would like to write one, can someone direct > me to where i can find a full list of all the user text keys used by KDE > inside .desktop files so they would only be translated > so far what i have gathered by running grep -Er --include "*.desktop" > "\[[a-zA-Z]+*\]=" on my system are the following keys > > name > GenericName > Comment > Description > DateFormat > DateFormatShort > TimeFormat > X-KDE-Submenu > X-KDE-Keywords > Keywords > X-GNOME-FullName Hi, Why would you want to have machine translated messages in the UI? I think machine translation is always worse than keeping string in English. A tool like you described has hereby a very limited use case and no one probably cared to open-source it if they wrote one. If you are a developer and you want to check if all the messages are translatable then you can replace messages "message" with "xxmessagexx" in the translation automatically and see if all messages in your UI have these "xx" parts. This is already being done for the "x-test" test language - see the scripts in http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-kde4/x-test/internal/ People in kde-i18n-doc will probably help you with the tools to extract messages from .desktop files to a Gettext translation template (a .pot file). -- Alexander Potashev