Hi everyone, the KF5 port of Konversation is nearing completion and we'd like to release a first beta soon. The frameworks branch has been merged into master today. This is the new kf5 trunk branch. There is also a 1.6 branch (forked from KF5-based master). 1.6 is the kf5 stable branch and is the branch the beta will be made from. You should do translation work on the 1.6 branch. I've adjusted the branches on projects.kde.org, but I don't know if scripty's get_paths still needs to be adjusted, and I expect it would make sense to copy around translations now - i18n coor- dinators, please help :). Here's the full branch changes announcement from konversation-devel: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/konversation-devel/2014-November/005945.html Cheers, Eike