El Diumenge, 11 d'agost de 2013, a les 18:41:01, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau va escriure: > Hi, Hi! > I have been adding some proper namespace to the names of some Calligra > modules the last weeks. The last thing to do will be to also properly > namespace the related po/pot files. See > http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-kde4/templates/messages/calligra/ for > generic names like CommentShape.pot, AutocorrectPlugin.pot etc. which > should be adapted to renames like in > https://projects.kde.org/projects/calligra/repository/revisions/c1d9b41892f > 3075b6f3bcb4c57f4778184740638 This is master only, right? > Do avoid losing translations, what can be done to coordinate this with > someone of the translation team? I undertand this is just plain renaming right? No merging of translations or anything? > Who could do the rename of po files in the > translation repo? I (or Luigi or others) can do that. > Shall I pass a list of the renames in advance, so the needed po file > renaming can be perhaps scripted? If they are *really obvious* no need, since scripty will complain about the disappearing catalogs and inform of the appearing ones and we can just do the renaming, otherwise, yes please. > Any time when I should do this best? Ideally when scripty is not running, so outside the 1am-7am european time. Thanks for thinking about translations! Cheers, Albert > > Cheers > Friedrich