El Dilluns, 24 de juny de 2013, a les 11:15:20, aslanyan@yahoo.com va escriure: > Hi. I'd like to get started on translating into Armenian. Anyone interested > in participating or general advice on getting started would be highly > appreciated.. Hi $Name$ (It is a good idea to give us a name so we can talk to someone and not an email address :-) it is true that unfortunately noone has been translating KDE software to Armenian for a while. Usually we give a big-ish task to make sure they know how to handle .po files, etc. That task is translate kdelibs4.po to > 90% but hy already has that milestone so i'll have to give you a smaller task. Could you please translate http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/l10n-kde4/hy/messages/kdelibs/desktop_kdelibs.po to > 90% and send it back to me (in private, no need to bug all the people subscribed to the list) After that we'll start creating your svn account and the rest of stuff you need to be able to contribute by yourself without depending on me or anybody else to upload your work. WELCOME TO THE AMAZING KDE WORLD :_) Cheers, Albert