Hi everyone, Could we please all calm down? This discussion should be constructive and so far it doesn't seem so, let me resume: we have one mailing list that is about translations and it is this one. I have been searching the archives and didn't find any indications that there ever was a discussion on the translators list about Translatewiki at all, if I did miss it, could somebody please point me to the archives? [professional translator hat on] While I do not translate KDE, I am nonetheless a professional translator for pharmaceutical and medical texts and I heavily rely on a good translation memory for terminology. I believe translating software is not different. I also contribute heavily to the 3 KDE wikis writing documentation and I have tried to look at how translations are managed, what I really miss is the possibility to use of the existing translation memories, which for me would be a total no-go when it comes to translate something that already has translation memory. It is duplicate work and not very productive. We all invest our free time into this and translation memories are THE tool to avoid duplicate work and spare considerable time. [hat off] So if there has been a discussion about the use of something else than the existing translation tools, where was it? Apparently not on this list, so no wonder there seems to be some heat boiling up. Can we please all take a deep breath and try to work together and take the translation discussions to this list and this list only so all translators are in the loop? It serves nobody to camp on their positions, somewhere there was an error in the choice of the communication means so let's take everything in here and see what we can do so that KDE has optimal translations with a minimum of time wasted. Regards, Myriam -- Proud member of the Amarok and KDE Community Protect your freedom and join the Fellowship of FSFE: http://www.fsfe.org Please don't send me proprietary file formats, use ISO standard ODF instead (ISO/IEC 26300)