Hi guys.


I’m just wordering if this effort to allow translating KDE from translatewiki (not the wikis, which use the system already, but the POs, as I understand) is known.


For more information: https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translating:KDE


O Venres, 15 de Marzo de 2013 10:44:53 newsletter@translatewiki.net escribiu:

Hello, dear friend.

This is the translatewiki.net e-mail newsletter for March 2013. This month we'd like to inform you of upcoming major changes in the translation editor and possibly supporting localisation for KDE. We hope it inspires you to reinvigorate your efforts at translatewiki.net.

Thank you for supporting translatewiki.net. The success of open source software localisation relies on your continued involvement and enthusiasm. Please try and dedicate 15 minutes a week – preferably do more and bring your friends! – to updating and reviewing translations for your favourite project.

Redevelopment of translation editor nearing completion

The translation editor and the selector for choosing a set of texts to translate ("group selector") in the MediaWiki Translate extension, that is used for all the translation work on translatewiki.net, but also on wikis of Wikimedia, and for example userbase.kde.org, has undergone a major redevelopment. With the help of many people like you, we have taken into account your feedback from user interaction studies, and now the new developments are ready for you to start using it. Below you find two links that will enable or disable the new functionality. Once we have gone through a few weeks of testing, the new developments will become enabled by default and we will disable the old translation editor.

Make sure you are logged in when using these links for the expected result:

Please let us know what you think!

Translation for KDE?

Niklas Laxström has previously organized two KDE translation sprints for Finnish using the Translate extension. Given the positive experiences, we started thinking why not use web-based translation system for KDE permanently, not just for the duration of sprints. Translatewiki.net may be a good place for this.

We are considering investing in making translation of KDE possible in translatewiki.net. We will need help, so if you are involved in KDE translation or would like to translate KDE at translatewiki.net, please see page Translating:KDE and make yourself known on the talk page where we can discuss if and how to continue. To make this happen we will need at least a couple of languages willing to use translatewiki.net and support from KDE folks for things like commit access.

Niklas is planning on presenting this idea and make some big steps at Akademy 2013.

Behind the scenes

If you are a developer of a promising Free or Open Source Software product and you are looking for a great community to localise your product, please get in touch with us! The same goes for those that wish to aid in developing the Translate extension further.

Follow translatewiki on Twitter for the latest news.

Finally, if you are not a translator yet, please complete the steps that will get you the status of translatewiki.net translator and allow you to be a localisation hero!

We welcome feedback about this newsletter. Please let us know by sending a reply to this mail. We will try to accommodate your wishes.

Niklas Laxström
Siebrand Mazeland
translatewiki.net staff

You are one of about 6,400 people receiving this e-mail because you have registered with https://translatewiki.net, the wiki localisation platform for translation communities, language communities, and free and open source projects. This newsletter will be sent at most once every month. You can opt-out by visiting translatewiki.net, logging in, and checking the box 'Do not send me e-mail newsletters' at the bottom of the tab 'user profile' in your preferences - although we hope you will not. If you have multiple accounts with the same e-mail address, you have to opt-out for all of them.