it works again at the present moment, but the symptoms were: enter the search string - press 'search' (or 'enter') - after 1 second or even less, very quick, it says No results found. Tried for very popular words such as 'panel' etc. 
On 27 February 2013 02:14, Albert Astals Cid <aacid@kde.org> wrote:
El Dimarts, 26 de febrer de 2013, a les 08:02:22, Juliette Tux va escriure:
> Hello everybody,
> Big thanks for fixing the http://i18n.kde.org from Russian KDE translators!
> :)
> But could somebody please check the search engine at
> http://i18n.kde.org/dictionary/search-translations.php ? It doesn't work
> currently at all.

What doesn't work exactly?


> Thank you.

С уважением, Дронова Юлия