El Dimarts, 8 de gener de 2013, a les 09:29:41, Marcos g va escriure: > Happy new year and best wishes for 2013!! Kaixo! > I'm Marcos Goyeneche, current basque translation team coordinator. I'= d like > to announce I'm resigning. It's been a lot of years (more than 12 as = I > recall) at this position and current personal affairs compeled me to = make > this decission. It's been very nice and fruitful to work with you and= I'm > very proud of the work we've done during this years. >=20 > I'd like also to announce we've got a new team coordinator for basque= > language: I=F1igo Salvador Azurmendi. He's been working a lot of year= s too in > our team and I'm sure he'll do a great job. >=20 > I wish all of you the best, keep with the good work!!! Thanks a lot for the continued effort during this 12 years! Can you please ask I=F1igo to subscribe to this list (if he isn't alrea= dy) so he=20 can get the announcements about releases, etc? Cheers, Albert >=20 > Marcos