Hi, we ([mostly] Luigi and me) just completed copying KDE SC 4.10 translations from trunk to stable. So from now KDE SC 4.10.x translations can be found under branches/stable/l10n-kde4, while KDE SC master/trunk/4.11 translations will be soon available again under trunk/l10n-kde4 (soon: when scripty ends). KDE SC 4.9 translations (the previous content of KDE SC modules under branches/stable/l10n-kde4) have been moved, as usual, under branches/KDE/4.9/kde-l10n. During the copy operation commits to the repository have been restricted (sorry if you found the sometimes cryptic svn error message, we forgot to mention it here), these restrictions have been removed already. As usual, even if the operation was apparently successful, if you find that something loooks like it may be wrong please ping us (here or on IRC). Cheers, Albert