Am Samstag, 1. September 2012 20:12:30 schrieb Yuri Chornoivan: > Hi, >=20 > Calligra Sheets "Cell formatting" messages "Font", "Alignment", "Borders", > "Number format", "Merge" are extracted from > /sheets/ui/CellToolOptionWidgets.xml >=20 > However, with 100% translation Sheets is able to load only those > translations that exist in calligra.po and calligra-defaulttools.po, not > the translations from sheets.po (see the attached screenshot, tested on > git/master but probably affects Calligra 2.5). >=20 > What can be the cause of such problems? >=20 > Thanks in advance for your answers. >=20 =46rom scripty's daily log: [snip] ERROR: there are duplicated POT files: ArtisticTextShape.pot AutocorrectPlugin.pot CalendarTool.pot ChangecasePlugin.pot ChartShape.pot CommentShape.pot =46ormulaShape.pot karbon.pot KarbonTools.pot kdgantt.pot kexi.pot KexiRelationDesignShapePlugin.pot kocolorspaces.pot koconverter.pot koproperty.pot krita.pot MusicShape.pot PathShapes.pot PictureShape.pot PluginShape.pot SpellCheckPlugin.pot TableShape.pot TextShape.pot thesaurus_tool.pot VariablesPlugin.pot VideoShape.pot =2D-- end duplicated POT files --- [/snip] KOffice translation catalogs overwrite calligra ones. Every now and then I waste some time hunting i18n bus in calligra until I=20 remember this issue ;( =2D-=20 Burkhard L=FCck