El Dimarts, 31 de juliol de 2012, a les 23:46:26, Sven Burmeister va escriure: > Am Dienstag, 31. Juli 2012, 23:06:12 schrieb Albert Astals Cid: > > El Diumenge, 29 de juliol de 2012, a les 21:17:59, R33D3M33R va escriure: > > > Hello, > > > > > > yes, it looks like $KDEDIR is / instead of /usr on my system. With your > > > suggestion everything installs fine. > > > > Hmmm, any idea on who is defining KDEDir to be / ? That seems wrong. > > Maybe it's just empty and the / comes from somewhere else. Using > 'kde4-config --prefix' as e.g. with cmake's "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=" might > be more robust. Sure, but it won't work if you have your custom kde install dir (with no self compiled kdelibs). I updated the line in the README to use $KDEDIR if set and kde4-config output if not, that should do it for most. Cheers, Albert > > Sevn