El Dimecres, 16 de maig de 2012, a les 22:28:59, Michael Moroni va escriure: > Hi you all, Hi > I'm the main translator of Ubuntu in Esperanto and I saw that Esperanto team > is inactive. So I'd like to become the new maintainer of the project. Great :-) > I wrote to Nicolas Ternisien but he told me to write to you. > Could you do so? Before giving away we require people to translate kdelibs4.po to more 90% and to fix kdelibs4.po errors listed in http://l10n.kde.org/check-kde-tp-results/trunk/eo/messages.html in your case should be easy since kdelibs4.po is at 86% and there is only one error in check-kde-tp results You can find kdelibs4.po at http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/l10n-kde4/eo/messages/kdelibs/kdelibs4.po Send it to me (no need to CC the list since it's a big file) once you are ready and after that will proceed with the rest of the administrative work. Cheers and welcome :-) Albert > Best regards, > - MM