El Dimarts, 27 de mar=E7 de 2012, a les 15:28:20, Trever Fischer va esc= riure: > A few weeks ago I finished the repositories and gave everyone a perio= d > of time to review them. The only significant issue brought up was the= > zillions of branches and tags from kde-i18n, which I'm working on fix= ing > today. >=20 > I'm setting a date for executing the migration: April 03, 2012 (next > tuesday) >=20 > The night before, I'll start the final run of svn2git (it takes a ver= y > long while). Try not to push anything major to svn, as the commits mi= ght > get lost. Once it is finished, I'll push the repos to git.kde.org. I'= ll > send out mailspam once that is all done. Afterwards, I'll go through = the > repos and make any needed changes so that they can compile independen= tly >=20 > Currently, I am filling out the sysadmin repo requests. If I miss a > maintainer somewhere once all this is up on projects.kde.org, let me > know sometime. >=20 > Feel free to drop by #kde-multimedia and ping me on IRC if there are = any > questions. Answered via IRC. Albert >=20 > Cheers!