Le mercredi 29 juin 2011 16:41:12, Nick Shaforostoff a écrit : > hi all. i'm the developer of Lokalize, and I'm going to be at the Berlin > Desktop summit. Hi ! > I wonder how much of KDE i18n people will be there. I am going to Berlin Desktop summit (french team). > What if we hold a workshop there? > For example I would speak about advanced features of Lokalize, and I also > would like to get feedback about Lokalize. (i know there is bugs.kde.org, > and I try to dedicate my time to it, but real world talk is a nice > addition) It would be very nice. Thank you ! Some other ideas about l10n : - pology workshop to explain rules mechanism and others pology magic tools - team organization and workflows (I had an interesting discussion some weeks ago with the greek team about booking/commit workflows and tools about it. ) > so i would like to know if there is interest (to participate and to lead > the BoF) I am available to participate to all i18n related workshop. I could also speak about pology rules and translators team organization tools. Regards, -- Sébastien