Hi, What do you think about using KUIT "@action:undo" in context for strings passed to QUndoCommand? List of all KUITs: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Localization/i18n_Semantics I don't know what will be better: "@action:undo" or may be "@item:undo", because the text of QUndoCommands is used not only in "Edit -> Undo/Redo %1" menu items, but also in the "Undo History" panel in some applications (Step, Krita, Kdenlive). "@action:undo" is going to make life easier for translators, because such strings sometimes should be translated differently from the same string in other context (for example, differently from names of actions). Also, https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/merge_requests/2610 has been merged to Qt 4.8. After KDE software start depending on Qt 4.8, "@action:undo" will be a signal for translators (may be not to all languages though) to put in translation 2 different strings separated by "\n" -- the first one for items in "Undo History" window, the second one for "Undo %1"/"Redo %1". -- Alexander Potashev