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List:       kde-i18n-doc
Subject:    Re: Clarification in a string of amarok.po
From:       Dimitrios Glentadakis <dglent () gmail ! com>
Date:       2011-02-07 19:10:10
Message-ID: 201102072010.11044.dglent () gmail ! com
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Στις Δευτέρα 07 Φεβρουάριος 2011 20:00:32 Martin Schlander \
> Mandag den 7. februar 2011 19:52:34 skrev Dimitrios Glentadakis:
> > It would be useful from the amarok's developers to add a little comment to
> > help the translation of the
> > 
> > #: main.cpp:55
> > msgid "Release Vixen (Nightrose)"
> > 
> > as it is n't easy understandable .
> It's just the list of contributors
> "Nightrose" is the nickname of Lydia Pintscher, who is the (female) Amarok 
> release manager - hence "release vixen" (vixen is a female fox afaik).
> It's supposed to be funny, but I guess some might find it a bit sexist...

The problem is that if the translator does nt know about the developement of amarok \
is difficult to understand what is the meaning and even more if the translator takes \
a  dictionnary the meaning will be distorted in most times.

As i saw in the other languages, i think only the italian is the right

#: main.cpp:55
msgid "Release Vixen (Nightrose)"
msgstr "La donna dei rilasci (Nightrose)" 

Because is translated as "donna". I think is right because if i translate the vixen \
in greek, nobody will understand what it says

So, i think a little comment is needed.

Dimitrios Glentadakis

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