Fixed with commit #1208708

Gilles Caulier

2010/12/22 Panagiotis Papadopoulos <>
[15:57] <pano> hi
[15:57] <pano> found a possible “typo” in a string
[15:57] <pano> in the Debian Screenshots KIPI plugin
[15:58] <pano> dswindow.cpp line 327
[15:58] <pano> “Failed to upload photo to Debian Snapshots: %1\n”
[15:58] <pano> it says Debian Snapshots, while the rest of the KIPI plugin says Debian Screenshots

I tried contacting the digikam devs on their IRC chan, but did not get any response until now…
Imho Snapshots should be changed to Screenshots, for consistency reasons. :-P
