A Dimecres, 22 de desembre de 2010, Andreas Pakulat va escriure: > On 22.12.10 10:19:03, Albert Astals Cid wrote: > > http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-i18n-doc&m=129208346129477&w=2 > > > > Albert > > Sorry, the mail wasn't there last night (due to moderation) and hence I > subscribed and resend it.. > > Well, of course if there are different changes in the branches, then > there's going to be a conflict. However there shouldn't be such > differing changes in 2 branches in the first place. At least not if done > by scripty. I really fail to see why there should not be any difference. > > A change to an existing file (existing in all interesting branches) > should be done on one branch only, thats the stable one (or if > translations are not to be done for bugfix releases, then only in > master). Then the stable branch will be merged by a developer into > master (or as it is right now into 1.2/4.2 and that one into master for > kdevplatform/kdevelop). That is as long as the project does use multiple > branches with one of them being for the stable release. Then such > conflicts shouldn't occur in the first place. Are you saying people should only translate the stable branch? If so that's changing the workflow we've been following for ages and obviously is not going to change just because we changed from RANDOMVCS1 to RANDOMVCS2. Albert > > Andreas