2010/4/29 Guillaume DE BURE : > Le jeudi 29 avril 2010 19:28:15, Alexander Potashev a écrit : >> Hi, > Hi Alexander, and thanks for coming back :) > >> >> (for Skrooge developers) >> What are the reasons for: >> 1. use of square brackets here: "File [%1] saved.", > I'm not sure... Stephane, can't we just write "File %1 saved." It's not "for localization" like the commit message says (e.g. http://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&sortby=date&revision=1120720), it's for better English strings. ;) > >> 2. writing the last names of the developers in all capital letters? > That's a french habit, I guess, and it allows for clearer distinction on first name / last name for people not familiar with french names. No Problem to change it if it is an issue. It's not an issue. > > Guillaume > -- Alexander Potashev