Fredag 5. mars 2010 skreiv Albert Astals Cid: >Hi, i'd like to remove the "Translators" section in > (cs as example) pages. > >My reasons are: > * Gets old fast > * People fight because they want a Team Coordinator badge Good idea. Though information on the team coordinator is useful, each team may choose to move this information into the ‘Additional Notes’ section. Information on which people contribute to the translation is easy enough to generate from the PO file headers. Example: >I'd also like to remove since it means >nothing, i've seen people register there in hope to help and never get >anything done because the "so called coordinators" were long absent. But who should have access to updating these pages then (Web page and mailing list links, and the ‘additional notes’)? -- Karl Ove Hufthammer Jabber: