A Dijous, 24 de setembre de 2009, Dag Andersen va escriure: > Torsdag 24 september 2009 12:31:41 skrev Albert Astals Cid: > > A Dijous, 24 de setembre de 2009, Dag Andersen va escriure: > > > There is (at least) one place I've used a word that could both be a > > > verb or a noun, so the translator has to guess... > > > Is it ok to add context and is there a "standard" way to do it? > > > > Yes, please add context, using i18nc() function also see > > http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Localization/i18n_Semantics > > to see if you can use some of the existing context markers like > > @action:button to make it something like > > i18n("@action:button This is to create a new folder", "New") > > Well, it's in a treeview header so I guess: > i18n("@title:column noun", "Load") > would be the thing? I think it should be enough, yes. Albert