Hello, Yes it's code duplicated from kopete. In fact, the content of the Jabber folder will be kept but it should be cleaned up to keep only what is necessary for KsirK. Unfortunately, I had no time to do this cleanup up to now. To conclude: you can use the translations obtained from ksirk by the translation memory. I'm not very happy with this duplication, but a dependency between kdegames and kdenetwork is not possible and what is necessary in ksirk in the kopete Jabber plugin is really limited. Regards, Gaël ----- Mail Original ----- De: "Albert Astals Cid" À: "KDE i18n-doc" Envoyé: Mercredi 10 Décembre 2008 23:21:50 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne Objet: Re: [semi-OT] Ksirk (kdegames) A Dissabte 06 Desembre 2008, mvillarino va escriure: > Hi, > today I've started updating work on Ksirk, and it seems that a lot new > messages have been added. Most of they seem to be related to a Jabber > plugin, more exactly, translation database get them back from kopete. > The question is: do this means that there has been code duplication? > (my only concern abt. this is that there _is_ translation work duplication) Yeah, that's bad, will talk to the author, thanks for noticing. Albert > > > @miguel: pls, hunspell kopete .po file, there are quite a few dumb typos.