Isn't it better to help with the widely used Persian translation? It takes much work in order to become usable by people. I suggest completing the normal Persian (فارسی معیار) first. After it is complete and usable, we can go for old Persian (if there is any benefit in it).
And I said "if there is any benefit in it". In my opinion KDE is translated in order to become easier to use by non-English people. If Persian people were easier with old Persian in contrast to normal Persian, they would use it instead of normal Persian (=old was normal!). I don't mean we must never translate KDE to old Persian, but I mean it has a very low priority.
I recommend helping with normal Persian (which is in need of volunteer translators), at least for now!

2008/5/29 Ardashir Esfandiari <ardashir.esfandiari@yahoo.com>:

 Is there anybody that is interested in translating old persian (فارسی کهن)?


Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammadi Panah