Hi Gerhard, i could send yopu the po file, but i'm not willing to resynchronise the two documentations. If you make changes, than you should do it at the master copy If you like to have the actual po file, than you could download it from... http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-kde3/de/docmessages/extragear-graphics/ Notice that the documentation consists out of more than one file Oliver gerhard@vps51.webplus24.de schrieb: > Hi Oliver, > I used your translation and put it onto my website > http://www.gerhard.fr/DAM/deutsch.html > > I spent a whole day working it over. Now there are just too many > modifications for me to put them into a mail of summary form. I also have > no access to the po files. And just updating the german index.docbook > doesn't help if I understand the translation process right. So, if you > want to take over some corrections, I think it's best to compare your > version against my website. > > Cheers > Gerhard > > >