A Dimecres 27 Febrer 2008, Rinse de Vries va escriure: > Hi, > > I just noticed that ligature.po and other po files associated with that > program were removed from SVN.. > > I would ask if such removings could be announced first in this list, > because altough the application might be gone, the translations still can > be used for translation memories and such. > For that purpose, i keep a private repository containing orphaned > translation files from the past. > If a deletion is announced, i can put the files aside before doing a SVN > up. Now i need to grab them from SVN history, which isn't an easy task. No sorry, i don't have enough time to announce removals/movings of files, schedule them and then some days after remember it had to be done and do it. SVN history is there for a reason if you need it get it is not so difficult. Just svn log in the dir the file was removed, look for the number of the commit removing the file and then do svn cat svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/path/to/removed/file@removedRevisionMinusOne > removedFile.po Albert > Regards, Rinse