Am Samstag 24 November 2007 03:35:43 schrieb Allen Winter: > > Done. Please update and reinstall kdesdk. > You should find KDE4 versions of po2xml, xml2pot, swappo, and split2po. > No idea if they work or not. > Thanks a lot. I have updated and reinstalled kdesdk. But generating the language documentation fails with this error: kdedev@rebutia:~/svn/l10n-kde4$ scripts/update_xml de kdeaccessibility po2xml documentation/kdeaccessibility/kmag/index.docbook de/docmessages/kdeaccessibility/kmag.po ASSERT: "!isEmpty()" in file /home/kdedev/qt-copy/include/QtCore/qlinkedlist.h, line 184 scripts/update_xml: line 75: 7082 Aborted po2xml $i $t > temp.xml ERROR: po2xml documentation/kdeaccessibility/kmag/index.docbook de/docmessages/kdeaccessibility/kmag.po failed! Exiting! With po2xml from kde3 the generation works fine. Burkhard Lück