I have worked a little on Scripty's extraction of Qt4's qt-copy, generating the file: trunk/l10n-kde4/templates/messages/qt/kdeqt.pot First I have extracted the newest qt-copy manually (as Scripty has considered the file as "potentially obsolete"). Second, and more important, this extraction is now automatically done each run of Scripty. So if you find probelms with this PO template, please tell! As I do not remember if and how I had explained the kdeqt.pot file, here again a short version of the story (also for translators who would not have followed the previous discussion). - kdeqt.pot contains the translation of Qt4 needed by KDE4. - those translation where in kdelibs.pot in KDE3. - the split was done especially to improve license correctness. (Original messages are licensed as the source file, therefore GPL/QPL/proprietary for Qt, LGPL/BSD for kdelibs.) - in long-term (any volunteer?) the split also means that the Qt4 translation could be converted from official (or other) translations of Qt4 (from Qt Linguist file format). WARNING: due to the split one of the two RTL/LTR-dependent messages is now in kdeqt.pot, so please translate it in your version of the file. (While being at this subject, be careful to check the corresponding message in kdelibs.pot too, as it has changed and, as far as I know, is *not* converted automatically.) As always, I am sorry for the inconveniences, especially that everything that I have done for KDE4's translation was a rather minimal program (see the limitations in KBabel for example) and it will probably continue that way. :-( Nevertheless... ... have a nice day! :-)