Hello, as a member of the german KDE translation team I also care about the german translations of KDE programs in Kubuntu/Rosetta. For the release of edgy I checked all the KDE apps in Rosetta to look for errors during the import of the upstream translation files. By doing this I noticed that the template of the application "Guidance" (playground-base in svn [1]) used for Rosetta is much newer than the one for our upstream translators. The one for Rosetta was created manually by Jonathan Riddell (rev=581434) and scripty generally does not generate files for the upstream translation teams any more. At the moment Rosetta is used as the primary source of translations for guidance since the program is used primarily in Kubuntu. After contacting the author and Jonathan some weeks ago, the problem seems to be that scripty is not able to handle apps written in python at all. [2] I don't know much about the way scripty works... Do we have any possibilities to fix this issue and get back to the common way of translations, what is also wished by the author? Are other apps affected as well? Kind regards and have a happy new year :) Jannick Kuhr [1] http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/guidance/ [2] http://www.simonzone.com/software/pykdeextensions/en/i18n.html