On Thursday 13 July 2006 22:58, Burkhard Lück wrote: > $ python checkword-en-de.py -h > Usage: python checkword-en-de.py [OPTION] /path/to/pofiledir/ > regexpr-word-en [regexpr-word-de,regexpr-word2-de,...] Excellent! This would do about 70% of what I was looking for (you still have to open the files individually to make the changes, presumably). > I have so far: > checkutils.py: > kzwiebelfisch.py: find messages with typical translation errors > checkdocbook.py: check guiitems in english documentation > checktrans.py: check guiitems in language documentation (docmessage.po's) > checkdefaulttranslations.py: check for default translations e.g. the > translations in visualdict.po > checkdocstabletrunk.py: compare docbooks in two dir trees (stable - trunk) > checktags.py: > checkshortcuts.py: > checkscreenshots.py: > checkmessagediffs.py: > checkobsolete.py: find *.po files without *.pot This is an interesting toolkit. Are the files available for download anywhere? > A lot of ideas: > checkuntranslated.py (englisch in msgstr) > checkmissingmarkup.py check for strings from message.po without surrounding > in msgid's in docmessages.po, could be missing markup in > documentation > roughtrans.py translate all guiitems automatically etc. Yes. Kevin Scannell on the Irish team also has a useful little Perl script that reads out all the msgstrs, and you can then use further scripts to get a list of words used, which is useful for glossary-checking, etc. > Problem with all these scripts: > I am in the middle of a complete rewrite of the main library checkutils.py, > but lack of time (too much untranslated german docs, too much errors in the > documentations) prevent me to finish this. > Some of these scripts just work basically and need a lot of improvement. > As it was never intended to use this outside the german team, there are a > lot of german comments in the scripts and some of the scripts have to be > extended to work outside the dir tree l10/de Fair enough. But they might still be useful enough to make it worth having them available. KBabel is IMHO very good for individual files, but at present we are missing tools that operate on the tree as a whole, which is important from the point of view of standardising and quality-checking the translations. > It is a waste of time to proofread the language documentation in 10 - 20 > languages and check them for wrong guiitems, let's do this once for the > templates and then let a script detect all errors in the language > documentations. Yes. I have to admit I haven't even gone near documentation yet :-) I think there should be some page that we could list these existing or desired scripts on. Ideally someplace on KDE.org, or perhaps on Translate/Wordforge (though failing that I can put up one). Javier, if you've seen this, is it OK to post on the Translate wiki, and l10n.kde.org web maintainers - how would we get a page or at least a link to Translate? -- Pob hwyl / Best wishes Kevin Donnelly www.kyfieithu.co.uk - KDE yn Gymraeg www.eurfa.org.uk - Geiriadur rhydd i'r Gymraeg www.rhedadur.org.uk - Rhedeg berfau Cymraeg www.cymrux.org.uk - Linux Cymraeg ar un CD