Dear Jonathan, I'm the last one who damns a new translation project just because it is new. Everyone knows that there have been a lot of problems caused by Rosetta. In the last 2 month I invested a lot of time in fixing the problems you produced by lauching Rosetta to ensure that the users of Kubuntu have a translation with the same quality like the users of Fedora or SUSE. You can ask your german translation team about that. Although I invested such a lot of time there are still some issues... 1. The translation of KOffice has not been imported correctly. Now it's in Rosetta, but not in the lang packs. The german team is not able to fix this. 2. If I would like to contribute an upstream translation to improve _your_ distribution (kdebluetooth in this case) I have to wait about one month to see it in Rosetta. 3. The translation of Adept is in the langpacks, but doesn't work in the program. There is a bug report regarding this issue for about 2 months but no one cares about it. I think this is caused by one of the greatest problems you have with Rosetta. You need more contributors. At the moment there are only a few people. Not even enough to fix the problems you caused with Rosetta or to import upstream translation. If I won't do that for the german team, no one would do this. On your "international" translators mailing list, there are 15 (!) posts. For example one guy who wants to contribute a new language, but no one answers. In the german list there have not been any posts this month. So my personal impression is that you want to abuse the reputation of the KDE project by placing links (adds?) in our programs to push your proprietary translation tool. Do whatever you want to do. But I don't think you will get more support for your distribution by the KDE translators in this way. I would probably stop helping you. Kind regards, Jannick Kuhr