Hi Renato, adding my DV experiences to your input, in case someone's interested in getting some perspective on what's cooking on the proprietary side. Renato Pavičić - Translator-shop wrote: > Hello Shannon, > > Well, I know how THEY feel! I am freelance translator (from Croatia), > and I gotta admit that PO files have been giving me a lot of > "professional" trouble. But, there are two solutions: > > 1. You CAN translate PO files with Trados - But, you need lines > (text) in "translated" lines! Take (ie) British-English PO, mark > original lines as Trados-protected, and translate as usual! > > If you need specifics on procedure (it it rather complicated), I can > give you instructions. > > I know translators look like "spoiled brats", but it is not their job > to know programming. You can prepare the PO file, and send it to > them as word doc file. I wouldn't do that - context, comments etc.! > 2. Deja Vu X ---snip--- > Firstly, on a plus side: ------------------------ - Usage of TM > (translator-memory) database What set DV aside from others, is that it has three DB options: MDB (TM), TDB (term and subportions DB) and Lexicon (terms with override), and can (auto)assemble translations with/from subportions from the TDB and the Lexicon (to an extent from the MDB too, AFAIK) > - Import of other TM DB (not directly, > but there is a workaround - first export from old TM, then import > into DV. Depends what the DB format is. > - Usage of spellchecker from MS Word - Must check this, as I do my spell-checking outside DV: isn't using the MS spellchecker optional? > Filtering of lines - finished, empty, non-translated… Plus: can filter on selection in source or target throughout file or project. > - When > exporting, remembers original import path ...but not on a project level, so you'll have to redefine the path each time if you hop between projects. > Supposedly you can update imported file (I guess when the original is > changed), but I have no experience on this ...iffy, and "but-y" IMHO. > Limitations are following: (numerous, but don't give up!) > ------------------------------ - Before import, you gotta put "#, > Lang = hr", into header of original PO to be translated (where "hr" > stands for Croatian). DV needs to know import language pair, and this > extra line is only meaning for that. > > - During import it seems that DV wrongly interprets quotes over > multiple lines like: msgid "" "this is the first row, " "and this is > the second row" > > On export, they look like this: msgstr "" "this is the first row, and > this is the second row" Will check if there isn't a way to do this, that yields the correct result. AFAIR, there should be. > Consequently, PO header (with info on po file/translator) and is > treated as just another text line to be translated (no option for > preset, like in POedit), and this messes up translated file a bit. It > removes quotes from all of header, and all info in it is lost > (charmap, as most important) Gotta put all of them back by hand! Have you notified Atril about this bug? They used to be receptive - that's why they support po and pot files. > - When translating: - cannot add words into spellchecker (it uses > speller from MS Office, I guess it needs writing access, something > that could be my personal, PC related issue, dunno) I have to check this out, see above, it "should" be something in your setup. > - trouble with > "\n" tags - they do not visualy or practicaly break the row, so they > remain inline with translated text It also has a bug handling \n, introducing and not removing escape "\\n" in both msgid and msgstr on export. AFAIR, it also let's you deal with HTML-like strings "as is", rather than (nestedly) parsing the HTML, which puts you in touch with another bug: not handling <>[] etc. in a completely correct way (as placeables, e. g. omitting them at times, missing DB content starting with them etc.). > - trouble with multiple lines when > no "\n" tag present - you cannot insert line break into translation > > - When importing, DV does not recognize original "fuzzy" tags. > > - Sometimes (rarely) it does not import properly: Some fuzzy lines > are empty, also some translated. (but you can copy-paste from > translated file) Sounds like this could be solved, if investigated properly (when exactly does one or the other happen) and notifying Atril. > - Price: 400 euro for cheapest license ...and don't go for the cheapest one, go at least for the "Pro" version, or you may well be disappointed. > Conclusion: ----------- Beside all of the problems, it is 10 times > better that troublesome! When I translate: - I spend less time to > translate - I have TM DB True. As a CAT, I've yet to see anything as good, all in all, despite its bugs. > One more thing - Since I am using DV only for KDE (yes, because it > rules! and I will make a pact with the devil for this), and NOT > commercially, I had a thought to approach DV development team and ask > them to make free version of DV, solely for PO files, solely for > non-profit work, but with TM DB import-export (it's a MUST!!!) If you > find this idea interesting we can together try to approach them in a > prepared, well explained manner. Maybe they ould like to become > patronates? Like, "yes, we make money, but we are human".... This sounds like a good idea. After all, they did pick up on introducing gettext po/pot support into the app. How I've used DV3 (and will be using DVX), is to run the files through Kbabel and msgfmt for a once-over at least before delivery, and probably Kbabel it as preprocessing too. This said, I'd be a whole lot happier with such a tool a) running on Linux and b) being open source. I and a lot of other professional translators would still be happy to pay for such a tool, to contribute to its development, maintenance and occasional tweaking for special purposes. I've no idea, though if this particular company could or would take such a step and still remain alive and well. One hindrance in this case, is that the tool is built around the MSJet DB enginge. FWIW, BR, Gudmund