On Sun, May 28, 2006 at 01:05:28AM +0200, Thomas Diehl wrote: > Judging from a posting of to the German list for Ubuntu > translators it's even worse: They have no idea of who is > changing what, find it difficult to test their translations in > the actual programs, don't see the source code, not mentioning > context info. So this posting suggests to drop Rosetta entirely > for Ubuntu translation and use gtranslator or emacs instead like > their Dutch team already did (as it says). I can't speak German so havn't read the posting but all translation are clealy marked with who touched them and when. If the teams have been to lenient in letting in unexperienced translators that will be a lesson they'll soon learn, but it's just the same as giving access to SVN for translation. Testing translations is exactly the same as with any other translation means. Rosetta also allows for exporting and importing so you can translate with external tools. Jonathan