Am Donnerstag 01 Dezember 2005 20:13 schrieb Nicolas Goutte: > > (As for documentation, due to KDE's all-or-nothing policy, it is more > difficult to do something, so they are not part of this "unfreeze" > discussion.) > AFAIK Lauri Watts is collecting documentation patches for 3.5.1? I don't like this KDE's all-or-nothing policy, try to explain why: With the current policy there is no period of time to update the documentions and adapt the handbooks to changed applications in the release schedule. So we have always translated gui messages for the current release, together with translations of a lot of outdated documentations with bugs for the last release. I have checked the documentations in kdeaccessibility, part of kdeedu, kdegraphics and kdegames and fixed a lot of errors in 18 handbooks and work on the next ten handbooks. The errrors I fixed are really bugs concerning the documentation, like: 1. menuitems, labels, buttons in gui, but not in the command/menu reference of the documentation 2. obsolete menuitems, labels, buttons no longer in gui 3. menuitems moved to other menus 4. wrong names/spelling of menuitems, labels, buttons 5. chapters in the documentation about functions of an application, which are no longer implemented Have you ever watched an inexperienced user looking for help in a handbook, which is outdated or has errors in the command/menu reference? To me thats the same kind and severity of bugs, which are fixed in the code or in the gui-strings in stable, so it should be allowed to do this also for these bugs in the documentation. And there is a big difference between changes in strings in the gui and the documentation. Changing a string in the gui means fuzzy entries in every language.po, so the user will see an english string instead of the supposed correct translated string in his language. For the documentation the situation is completely different. As long as the translation teams have already translated the docs and generated the language docbooks before the bugfix, nothing is different to the situation we have now, only the stats are effected. Only if the translation teams generate new docbooks for the concerned kdemodul after the bugfix, they also have to update the translation for the fixed documentation. But now some teams have the chance to improve the documentation for their language, and that's the sense of an bugfix and translation release. I propose to change the documentation policy and to allow documentation updates/bugfixes in stable. Burkhard Lück