I think you can contact Ines Pozo about this, Ines is the coordinator of the localisation of YaST Rinse Op donderdag 18 augustus 2005 23:53, schreef dr. strangedub: > As part of a company project we have created a customized version of YaST. > Now that we have most of our functionality in place, we need to provide for > internationalization and/or localization of the product. > > I'm looking for information on the internationalization/localization of > YaST text strings. I know about the convention of specifying text strings > with the format "_(string)" in .ycp code files as the first step. And I > know that the .pot files in each YaST package are involved in text > translation. But that's about it. > > Any help, documents, or good links to info would be greatly appreciated. > > Thanks....... Oh, and if this is not the appropriate list to send such a > question to, please advise in regard to other list(s). > > -Michael Rose > > > > ____________________________________________________ > Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page > http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs