Le lundi 23 Août 2004 05:35, Rafael Beccar a écrit : > El Dom 22 Ago 2004 19:41, Gérard Delafond escribió: > >Hi ! > > > >I am wondering how the choice of the flags is done in the contry selection > >(kcontrol) and in timezones. > > > >In Country and Language, I saw french dependencies are shown with local > > flags. > > And why not ? ... I know this could be controversial, but I think that if > those territories made a local flag is because they want to use it. I can show you a flag of Paris. That does not mean Paris wants to be independant. > > For example, in the case of Mayotte you mention below, I investigated about > this and found that it is true that Mayotte is administered by France, but > it is claimed by Comoros (see > http://www.ksu.edu/sasw/comoros/comoros.html). So, what flag should be used > French flag or Comorian flag? Your page says : The fourth major island of the archipelago, Mayotte (Maore), continued to be administered by France although it's status has been continuously challenged by the Comorian government. The claim that Mayotte belongs within the sphere of the independent nation of the comoros has been recognized by the United Nations General Assembly. But this one says : http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0311-10.htm France last cast a lone veto in 1976, over a resolution to recognize the tiny island of Mayotte as part of the newly independent state of Comoros. That means that, in spite General assembly decided Mayotte should be attached to independant Comores, this is not still done. If you want every peace of country which is claimed by another or wants to be independant would be considered as claimed, you should make a special country for french bretagne, for Corsica, for northern Irland, fot Tibet, for Oriental Timor, you would delete Israel (which is claimed by palestinian), etc. Hundreds of parts of countries in the world are claimed by somebody. I think it is easiear to find countries as they are officially known (when I look for Northern Ireland, I look for British flag - I see Belfast is shown with Union Jack in Timezones) You could also make indpendant flags for scotland and wales, and attach Falklands to Argentina. In http://www.quid.fr/communes.html?mode=query&req=mayotte Mayotte est le seul que ne fut pas colonisé, car il se donna spontanément à elle en 1841 et manifesta sa volonté d'y rester en 1957, 1974, 1975, 1977, 2000... Bien que réclamant son accès au rang de Département d'Outre-Mer (DOM), l'ïle est toujours "Collectivité territoriale" en 2000 (that means : Mayotte is the only one (island) which has not been colonised, because it gave itself (to France) in 1841, et said it wanted to stay in 1957, 1974, 1975, 1977, 2000... In spite demanding to get a french over seas department, the island is still a "territorial collectivity".) > I am not a specialist of geopolitics, and I don't mind who owns some peace of country. I simply think it is more convenient to use flags everybody knows, when there is an official recognition. Cheers Gerard