Sobotu 15 meje 200415:12, Heiko Evermann pisaĊĦe: > But does't this affect quite a lot of people? When I look around the > translation statistics in, I find quite a lot of languages > (especially the minority languages) where quite a number of po-files are > incomplete. And whenever we have an incomplete po-file we get this kind of > problem. I second you here. Filling up .po-files is a bad idea IMHO because it would make kbabel less convenient to use -- you couldn't jump to the next fuzzy or untranslated entry any more. > The current implementation forces people who use these languages to see the > untranslated entries in English. I doubt that this is a good choice for > most people. > > Think about the alternative: load the catalogs for all the languages that > the user chose in kcontrol, and the user can choose what he gets to see. If > he likes English, he can just choose one (his) language and English. But if > he doesn't, he can pick any other language to fill in the gaps of his > favourite translation. I guess, it might not even be too difficult to > implement that? I don't know. It will definitely make KDE a bit slower. Maybe when the language settings get changed a new .mo-file could be generated containing all the strings in all the languages you want for every program (I guess msgmerge could already do that). The language settings of a user would then result in a virtual "user language". That way KDE wouldn't have to load several language catalogs. > The current implementation follows some kind of "English first"-approach. > (If your favorite language translates only part of the program, you will > get the rest of it in English). > > I am not happy with that. Are you sure that everyone else out there is? I'm definitely not happy with it, especially as my users don't have a good command of English. Cheers Edi