Hi Volker, Hi everyone, > OK, then this seems to be an incentive for us to complete the po-files, > where we started translation. :-) OK, but nevertheless that takes quite some time. It also means that for all those programs that we did not start so far, the basic strings from kdelibs.po like "save", "save as", etc. will not be displayed in Low Saxon, even though they are already translated. But does't this affect quite a lot of people? When I look around the translation statistics in i18n.kde.org, I find quite a lot of languages (especially the minority languages) where quite a number of po-files are incomplete. And whenever we have an incomplete po-file we get this kind of problem. The current implementation forces people who use these languages to see the untranslated entries in English. I doubt that this is a good choice for most people. Think about the alternative: load the catalogs for all the languages that the user chose in kcontrol, and the user can choose what he gets to see. If he likes English, he can just choose one (his) language and English. But if he doesn't, he can pick any other language to fill in the gaps of his favourite translation. I guess, it might not even be too difficult to implement that? The current implementation follows some kind of "English first"-approach. (If your favorite language translates only part of the program, you will get the rest of it in English). I am not happy with that. Are you sure that everyone else out there is? I would prefer this to be changed. Besides: who would be harmed with such a change? Noone! Kind regards, Heiko Evermann -- NEU : GMX Internet.FreeDSL Ab sofort DSL-Tarif ohne Grundgebühr: http://www.gmx.net/dsl