"Erik K. Pedersen" writes: | Fredag 13 februar 2004 09:16 skrev Jesper K. Pedersen: | > This sounds like a great idea, I do, however, see two problems. | > 1) A technical one: I cannot set tags involving capital letters - CVS told | > me so yesterday ;-) | | I simply think all of kdeextragear should have a KDE_3_2_BRANCH. The pot-files | would only change when the authors expliucitly change them. Maybe I am being | naive about the whole process, but I am suggesting that the programs, say | kimdaba, do not get branched, only their pot-files. If I understand you correct, then I as an author of KimDaBa would after a given release still would need to move KDE_3_2_BRANCH, wouldn't I? I mean image I made a 1.2 release tomorrow, and wanted to make 1.2.x releases with minor language changes, then I would still need to move the tag to now include the former HEAD versions of the .po files. Anyway. All this is much more problematic than what I expected yesterday when making the branch. After all, should the lifetime of KimDaBa 1.1 in worst case be 4-6 month, then it isn't the end of the world. And making things more difficult for developers and translators is for sure nothing that would help progress. So, let me end all this by saying thank you for all your input on this issue. Kind Regards Jesper.