On Saturday 13 September 2003 10:12, Thomas Diehl wrote: > Am Donnerstag, 11. September 2003 22:47 schrieb the wizard: > > is anyone working on urdu support for KDE . i saw the list of > > languages and its not there . and i really think it should be there > > A while back, Arash Zeini (CC) from the Farsi team told me there was > work going on regarding Urdu support. Maybe he can jump in here. > > Otherwise, you are welcome to start such an effort. Please see > http://i18n.kde.org/translation-howto/ for the details. > > Regards, > > Thomas Hi Thomas and All, As it seems there will be an Urdu team very soon. I am hopefully going to be in India in October to set up this team with the help of Sarai (www.sarai.net). The aim is to make this a cross-culture cooperation between India, Pakistan and Iran. Until October I will act as the team coordinator, if there are no objections and no other candidates. This job will then be taken over by a competent person in Pakistan or India. Thanks and Best wishes, Arash -- The FarsiKDE Project www.farsikde.org