Am Donnerstag, 24. Juli 2003 12:46 schrieb Najmi: > But when I merge with head,and try it on KDE3.1,many > strings seems unusable,but the strings seems no > different between the old one and HEAD. Sure. > So,basically,which kdelibs should I send? If you want your translation to be part of a future 3.1.x release you have to translate the copy in 3_1_BRANCH (getting the already translated strings in from your HEAD copy should be easy, eg via the "Rough Translation" feature in KBabel if it is connected to the database in KBabelDict). HEAD translations will go with KDE 3.2 (due out, hopefully, in December). To be an official part of any KDE release you have to meet some requirements, however: We'd also need completely translated desktop* files for the root directory and about 75% translations of kdebase. > secondly,to whom may I send this file? To me. Regards, Thomas -- KDE translation: Deutsche KDE-Uebersetzung: