On Saturday 21 June 2003 17:58, Боян(Boyan) wrote: > Hi, > Sorry for asking such stupid questions,but I really can't find info about > those phrases anyware.Here come the phrases : > metadata keys > metadata values An example of metadata, metadata keys and metadata values is the information returned for a file: filename: /home/dkamen/whatever.txt owner: dkamen group: users permissions: 660 here, filename, owner, group, permissions are the keys, and /home/dkamen/whatever.txt, dkamen, users, 660 are the values. Your context will probably differ, but you get the general idea. The terms "keys" and "values" come from a CS context, they also apply to lookup tables, databases and generally everywhere you access an object ("value") by feeding the computer with another object ("key"). > incremental search plugin An incremental search begins right when you type the first character of the word to search for. E.g. when you look for dada in the string "d da dad dada", the result would be highlighted like this, as you type the characters: d -> |d| da dad dada a -> d |da| dad dada d -> d da |dad| dada a -> d da dad |dada| Not sure what your actual context is, though. > Embeddable component for multipart/mixed This has probably something to do with MIME (the specification for encoding mail messages and stuff like that), best to leave it untranslated (you can translate "embeddable component", though). The way I see it, users that know what multipart/mixed is for, will probably only know the english term and a bulgarian translation might confuse them. In general, when you meet exotic terms, you should (in the following order): a) Check out an official standardized translation exists in Bulgarian. b) Ask some Bulgarian computer or software engineer. c) Try to see how those terms have been translated translated in the Bulgarian versions of well-known and respected foreign CS books. d) Leave them untranslated or be innovative. e) Copy (if exists) the Windows translation (last resort for me, because at least for Greek the Windows translation sucks bigtime).