Greetings everyone,

My situation is like this.I used to commit/add/delete pot/po files from windows machine,as I am working on l10n from university.(My linux box is in my hostel,without any internet connection :( )

I just want to know how to keep up to date in the sense sometimes I might missed some information regarding the died(attic) files.

For example,I translating kdelibs.po(3.0),and don't realize that the package currently updated towards(3.3)

is this only like this?

msgmerge kdelibs.po(old) kdelibs.po(new)> kdelibs.po(merged)

and then I start translating the merged?

How to save my time without (regarding avoid translate dead files) ?

This is because every time I checkout pot files(bulks of it :p),I working on it,and only check the current status of files on the CVS view.

Any ideas?


//me newbie :)


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