Hello, As you may know by now, we've changed the default icon theme from hicolor to crystalsvg, as a result, some documentation and messages which were referencing hicolor icons had to be changed to reference crystalsvg icons. I changed the documentation and messages and also changed the translations to every language (having a complete kde-i18n checkout has its advantages :) ) so that no extra work should be needed from you. The problem is that I commited the ktip.po changes while the regeneration of po files was working, so today nearly all ktip.po files have fuzzy flags and the msgid reference the hicolor icon theme, while the msgstr (the translated string) reference the crystalsvg icon theme (which is correct). Don't worry about this, and please don't change your translations from crystalsvg to hicolor, I'll try to fix all of this asap by reverting to last night's version and take in mind this morning changes to ktip if any (please, if you used CVS_SILENT for your commit, send me a mail as soon as you can!). So to put it short, if you haven't modified your language ktip.po this morning, just wait until I finish fixing it to commit anything to it (I'll send another mail to this list when it's done). Please for further questions send me a private mail (or a CC) because I'm not on this list. Greetings, -- Antonio Larrosa Jimenez KDE core developer - larrosa@kde.org http://devel-home.kde.org/~larrosa/ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety -- B.Franklin