Dear Sirs, It was not my intention to create a big discussion for just a language. It's true that this language is spoken still today inside family (maybe less inside Turin city 'cause the percentage of Piedmontish origin people living here is sure less than 50 %) but in the rest of the region (province of Turin, Cuneo, Asti, Alessandria, Biella, Vercelli - The northern provices has a different local languages: Domodossola, Novara it's closely like the "Ticinese" , Canton Ticino - Switzerland). It is not usually written 'cause it is forbidden for public documents (just Italian and German for the Autonome Provinz Bozen - South-Tyrol are recognized). There are several dictionary: from Milo Brero "Compania dij Brandé - Turin", from Viglongo edition, from Gribaudo (these are the newest). Included them there are several grammars. It is family spoken also in some parts of Argentina as there are many Piedmont people in the world. It is recignized as minoritary language from European Community, from the Regione Piemonte (Region of Piedmont) that two years ago sponsorized the make of Dictionary of Piemontese for Windows Office 97. It is not included as standard include in the Office package but it is in selling (as all the things of Redmond). Italy didn't recognize two years ago this language. So, in the past the Sizilian was the first "Volgus" language in the italian territory (officially writing and speaking Latin) but the Piemonteis was the second with a written dated 1100. In the primary school (scuole elementari) there are some courses of Piemonteis language but they are not frequency obliged. So, finally I've seen some languages like Occitan, like Gaelic, like Breton I think they are in the same situation as Piemonteis in the KDE project and that was why I asked for this, following the instruction inside your web site. Maybe is crazy to use space and effort for this language and not for others but I'm not interested in other language. I don't think people needs KDE in Piemonteis(I use english version not the italian one), may be is just the Piemonteis that need some spaces to become known again. So perhaps I can start by myself and in the future we can see if there will be available space also for Piemonteis inside KDE. Best Regards to everyone Massim Vana