On Fri, 24 May 2002, Dirk Mueller wrote: > > On Fre, 24 Mai 2002, Rob Kaper wrote: > > > Impossible. I notied the same crap on some of the lists on mail.kde.org for > > which I am administrator and they were never sent for moderation. Apparently > > mailman is more clueless about spam than ezmlm, never had any spam mail pass > > without my approval on lists.capsi.com. > > well, the list is open for posting. if you find a pattern in the spam > messages, its very easy to exclude them. but as long as there is no pattern, > there's not much to do. > > Of course we can close the list to subscribers only, but that requires > somebody regularly approving non-subscriber-posts then. > This solution seems to be better. > > Dirk > +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Nguyen Hung.Vu | | The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Takeshi's small space http://site.techviet.com/vuhung/ | | Join KDE-i18n-Vi? http://vi.i18n.kde.org/ | | VYSA http://vysasports.vngate.net/ | | Vn Linux Users Group http://vietlug.sourceforge.net/ | | Tokyo Linux Users Group http://www.tlug.gr.jp/ | +----------------------------------------------------------+